Tutorial on Haptics at AVI2022

Tutorial on Haptics at AVI2022

We held a tutorial on haptic perception/feedback/illusions the 6th of June at the Advanced Visual Interfaces Conference in Rome, Italy.

The haptic perception of our body greatly contributes to our experience and understanding of the physical world around us, whether we are petting a dog, testing the temperature of our bathwater, or putting together complex machines. Modern Virtual or Mixed Reality systems have come a long way in terms of providing believable visual and auditory environments, but they still lack the haptic properties that are essential to creating a truly immersive virtual world. Recent studies have proposed a plethora of methods to address this shortcoming of existing infrastructure. Handheld or worn gadgets, grounded or ungrounded encounter-type interfaces, electronic stimulation applied directly to muscles (EMS), and even pseudo-haptic feedback elicited solely by sensory illusions are all examples.

This tutorial was sponsored by IllusionUIopen in new window, please refer to their website for more information.

Last update: 10/21/2022, 6:37:31 PM
Contributors: Steeven Villa