New Paper Published + Presentation: Cobity, a plug and play toolbox to integrate cobots into Unity3D

New Paper Published + Presentation: Cobity, a plug and play toolbox to integrate cobots into Unity3D

I presented our paper Cobity, a plug and play toolbox to integrate cobots into Unity3D at MuC2022 at the Darmstadtium. In this edition of the conference I also had the opportunity of being Video Chair.

Abstract: Haptics increase the presence in virtual reality applications. However, providing room-scale haptics is an open challenge. Cobots (robotic systems that are safe for human use) are a promising approach, requiring in-depth engineering skills. Control is done on a low abstraction level and requires complex procedures and implementations. In contrast, 3D tools such as Unity allow to quickly prototype a wide range of environments for which cobots could deliver haptic feedback. To overcome this disconnect, we present Cobity, an open-source plug-and-play solution to control the cobot using the virtual environment, enabling fast prototyping of a wide range of haptic experiences. We present a Unity plugin that allows controlling the cobot using the end-effector’s target pose (cartesian position and angles); the values are then converted into velocities and streamed to the cobot inverse kinematic solver using a specially designed C++ library. Our results show that Cobity enables rapid prototyping with high precision for haptics. We argue that Cobity simplifies the creation of a wide range of haptic feedback applications enabling designers and researchers in human-computer interaction without robotics experience to quickly prototype virtual reality experiences with haptic sensations. We highlight this potential by presenting four different showcases.

You can find the fill text in Publications

Last update: 10/21/2022, 6:37:31 PM
Contributors: Steeven Villa