New Paper: Extending Ultrasound Haptics (ISS 2022)
New Paper: Extending Ultrasound Haptics (ISS 2022)
At the Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS) conference, my colleagues and I presented a novel approach to rendering mid-air haptic sensations in a large rendering volume, enabling room-scale mid-air experiences while preserving bare-hand interaction. We achieved this by using a 6DOF robot to drive a haptic ultrasound array over a large 3D space, turning a static array into a dynamic array following the user's hand. We performed three evaluations and explored seven use cases to evaluate our approach. Our results showed the feasibility of such a system, with the motion not affecting the user's perception with high likelihood. This study contributes to general haptic mid-air feedback on a large scale and highlights the potential for large-scale mid-air haptics to contribute toward room-scale haptic feedback.
You can find the paper presentation in the following video: